Digital Transformation

Discover our unique approach to learning

AI, Big Data, and Cloud

About half the activities people are paid almost $15 trillion in wages to in the global economy have the potential to be automated by adapting currently demonstrated technology by 2055.”

McKinsey Global Institute

Future of Work

As the global economy undergoes digital transformation in unprecedented speed and scale, the labor market is propelled to focus on “human-only” skills and embrace lifelong learning

Digital transformation

The COVID-19 pandemic forced the global economy to undergo digital transformation, at a faster pace and on a larger scale, than at any point in human history. Meanwhile, the advancements in automation, robotics, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are rapidly and dramatically changing the nature and number of jobs available.

Human-only skills

The shortening shelf-life of traditional skill sets and the accelerating pace of change will necessitate individuals to retrain continuously throughout their working lives. The emphasis will increasingly be placed on developing skills that cannot be easily automated–such as creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking. 

Lifelong learning

Digital transformation of the global labor market is making the conventional concepts of profession and career to become increasingly obsolete. This trend will drive an acceleration in corporate spend on reskilling and upskilling, as well as individual and government spend on lifelong learning over the coming decade.

The world economy no longer pays you for what you know; Google knows everything… The world economy pays you for what you can do with what you know.”

Andreas Schleicher

Head of PISA, OECD
Future of Learning

As online and digital learning become mainstream post the pandemic, the emphasis is shifting towards personalization and applying knowledge to solve problems collaboratively

Overnight trend

Technology is not only revolutionizing how we live and work but also how we think–and learn. Although online learning has existed for more than 30 years, the global COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting lockdowns have necessitated widespread acceptance of virtual classrooms and digital textbooks almost overnight.

Personalized learning

Looking ahead, the use of AI in digital learning will make it possible to deliver a personalized experience at a lower cost through large-scale data processing, deep analysis of user behaviors, speech recognition and automatic assessment, and algorithms that recommend the most suitable content and people connections.

Knowledge application

The Internet today knows everything; therefore the future of learning is about the application of knowledge, not the knowledge itself. Technology can facilitate collaborative problem-based learning approaches such as utilizing cloud-based tools to collaborate–leveraging collective intelligence and building on each other’s work.

The digital transformation of learning in the coming decade will completely transform who and what is taught, and how and where…

Past Future

It is worth noting that machines and AI do not have to be better than us; they just need to be close enough, and the chances are that they will be and at a much lower cost and vastly larger scale than past human societies ever experienced.”

Viktor Shvets

Quotes from "The Great Rupture"
Who We Are

Terakoya.AI is a digital learning platform for users to connect with peer learners having similar interests and goals

Terakoya.AI's Mission

Creating a digital community where anyone can teach and learn anything from anywhere and anytime

From Edo to the AI Era

“Terakoya” were private schools during the Edo period before the advent of compulsory education in Japan. Beginning in the 17th and 18th centuries, academics, samurais, and monks within the community would open places to teach reading, writing, and abacus etc. for ordinary citizens. They raised the level of literacy among the general public to a very high level and later formed the basis of the formal education system of modern Japan.

At the time there were tens of thousands of terakoyas all over the country. They were grassroots activities by the general public, and were based in the spirit of cooperation for learning and mutual development among equal partners. Terakoya teachers also provided individualized education by creating curriculums suited to each learner’s chosen profession, making them an invaluable part of Edo cultural and social life.

As the global economy undergoes unprecedented digital transformation, the society’s learning needs are becoming increasingly diverse and rapidly changing. In the coming age of AI, digital learners on Terakoya.AI would benefit from similar cooperation and collaboration in the Edo period but now within the online community throughout their lifelong learning journey.

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